OK, iPhone 4 news: (click here)
So, a free plastic case to solve this problem? Great!
Just like Toyata sold you a nice looking car, but there is a crack on the hood... so, to fix it... they will put a patch on the crack... for free....
AAPL is hurting its own reputations through this "status of denying":
1. iPhone 4 problem? no, not a design problem, it is a software issue, and this problem can be fixed by an upgrade on software.
2. Oops... software doesn't work... OK, this is your problem... you not suppose to hold this phone like that! Then, how to hold my new phone?
3. OK, OK, there is a problem in design... but that is not a big deal... "here... we got a nice looking plastic cover ready for you..... and it is ....FREEEEEEEEE!!!" Cool! Right?
4. What is the next?
My thoughts:
"Offering a free case" means: Jobs admitted that there is a design flaw in iPhone 4. If this product is good to go, why offer free case?
So, the answer is plain and simple:
1. All iPhone 4 sold on market should allow customers send back to Apple and get full refund;
2. iPhone 4 should be pulled out of the market NOW!
Next... Lawsuit against Apple will start....
"Did Apple management knows this problem before the iPhone 4 hit the market?"
Chart Abbreviations:
3BC: 3 Black Crows; 3WS: 3 White Soldiers; BeC: Bear Channel; BeE: Bearish Engulfing; BTC: Buy To Close; BTO: Buy To Open; BuC: Bull Channel; BuE: Bullish Engulfing; DCC: Dark Cloud Cover; EnP: Entry Point; ExP: Exit Point; FW: Falling Wedge; HL: Higher Low; HH: Higher High; HM: Hanging Man; IR: Island Reversal; LBB: Lower Bollinger Band; LL: Lower Low; LH: Lower High; LPP: Lock Profit Point; MBB: Middle Bollinger Band; NABOP: Not A Bottom Out Pattern; NATOP: Not A Top Out Pattern; R: Resistance Line; RW: Rising Wedge; S: Support Line; SLO: Stop limit Order; SMO: Stop Market Order; STC: Sell To Close; STO: Sell To Open; T: Target; TSO: Trailing Stop Order; UBB: upper Bollinger Band;
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