VIX是一个指标, 不是一个股票, 大户不可以坐庄, 散户不可以炒。。。 VIX自己做自己的事, 怎么转换到你喜欢的DIA,SPY,QQQQ上, 那。。。 是你自己的本事。。。 但是VIX的趋势很重要, 尤其是对你们这些2X、3X ETF的粉丝来说。
等有一天VIX真的碰了9.39, 老秋估计你现在粉丝的一大半(正指+反指)的2X,3X ETF会=0.
你要是不懂VIX,看都不看VIX, 还在那里猛玩2X,3X ETF, 哈哈。。。 老秋服你!
“盲人骑瞎马, 夜半临深池” 厉害!
1. 月线: VIX 正在向它正常的数字(9.39-45.75)回归, 你所看到过的80+是不正常的数字, 在概率中属于小概率事件。

2. 周线: 周线收盘是破位的, 收S1以下, 有两个(3只乌鸦)的形态。 周线仍然有缺口未补。下一支撑在T1.

AAPL weekly: BuE bar, one engulfed two previous bar, bullish, next week could be a HH/HL peak doji with long bottom tail.
AMZN daily: insider with volume drop, good... KD whipsaw completing?? already outside of that box... good, a few more days side move here is fine...
AMZN weekly: weekly break out bar, BuE, next resistance at R2. possible another same size green bar for next week, this means the intraday low for Monday could be the weekly low for next week.
PCLN Daily: peak doji, continuation, KD is bull crossing again.
PCLN weekly: weekly hammer touched channel bottom, healthy.
RIMM daily: insider with volume drop, healthy.
RIMM weekly: BuE bar, volume increased, this one is bottomed out here, very nice double bottom at $35. Next week could see HH/HL pattern, target is MBB at $45.01.
The End...
10:39 pm
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